Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Math Forms and Charts

Multi-purpose forms for your children

Make some math forms and charts for your children to use in any kind of situation. Create surveys, charts for recording estimates, sheets with math problems, or tables for comparing items in a measurement unit. Each wizard gives you a host of options for customizing your worksheets. Make math forms!
» Form Wizard 1 - One wide and two narrow columns
» Form Wizard 2 - Two columns with optional repeated text
» Form Wizard 3 - Four column layout
» Form Wizard 4 - Two columns, double rows on the right

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fifth Grade Math Worksheets

Fifth Grade Math Worksheets Fifth grade has worksheets for teaching the 24-hour clock, money values between 10 and 100 dollars, pounds or euros, worksheets for measurements, percentages, fractions, decimals and ratios.
» Time Worksheets » Arithmetic Worksheets
» Money Worksheets » Measurement Worksheets

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

Fourth Grade Math Worksheets The level of difficulty increases still further in grade 4. Time is measured to the minute, measurement includes angles, perimeter and capacity, and the money and arithmetic sections are more challenging.
» Time Worksheets » Arithmetic Worksheets
» Money Worksheets » Measurement Worksheets

Friday, October 30, 2009

Third Grade Math Worksheets

Third Grade Math Worksheets Third grade gets more challenging with the introduction of measurements, larger sums of money, telling time rounded to five minutes, and more arithmetic sheets including fractions, remainders and multiples.
» Time Worksheets » Arithmetic Worksheets
» Money Worksheets » Measurement Worksheets

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Second Grade Math Worksheets

Second  Grade Math Worksheets The math worksheet wizards for your second grade students continue to push them a little further toward mathematical mastery. They will learn numbers up to 100, be introduced to multiplication and division, learn to tell the time to the quarter of an hour, and work with money values up to five dollars, pounds or euros.
» Number Worksheets » Arithmetic Worksheets
» Money Worksheets » Time Worksheets

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Use Trick Awesome Vedic Maths

Vedic maths tricks you can use to help you develop a better understanding of mathematics and complete your math assignments easier. Lots of tips and tricks start with the simple objectives of vedic math. Here is all the information you can start with to find out what vedic maths is.

Vedic math uses different mathematical process, with an interesting past that you would not typically guess. In addition, the vedics maths is designed to assist anyone in becoming an expert at math - even if it is very hard for you. Finally, you can learn more about vedics math from books and websites.

The history of vedic maths comes from BCE, thousands of years ago. It was found as part of the Indian texts and has roots similar to that of Hinduism. Additionally, the principles behind the vedic maths are based on the sutras from Hinduism. Basic principles of Vedic math are found in nearly all expanded math such as algebra and even trigonometry.

There are 16 sutras that increase the ability to memorize the formulas used in math. Some of the sutras include by one more than the previous one, which is found in the Ekadhikina Purvena. Other sutras are useful for evaluating sum or even division.

Using the sutras increases how quickly you can complete math problems, as they require less work and less detail than other methods. When you can memorize how to complete a math problem the solution to the problem is much easier to achieve.

Using math is often very difficult; however, when you use vedic maths tricks you can quickly accomplish your math just by having memorized 16 sutras that tell you how to complete each type of math problem. We are using the vedic maths tricks to learn in math courses such as algebra and even geometry.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Grade Math Worksheets

First Grade Math Worksheets The first grade math wizards offering a challenging step up from those at the kindergarten level. Your students can try arithmetic worksheets that step up in difficulty with each wizard you use, number worksheets that teach your children all the numbers to 30, and time and money worksheets, too.
» Number Worksheets » Arithmetic Worksheets
» Money Worksheets » Time Worksheets

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kindergarten Math Worksheets

Kindergarten Math Worksheets Make colorful and engaging math worksheets for your Kindergarten or Reception Year children. The worksheet wizards are divided into categories such as numbers, colors, shapes and money, and each wizard creates a unique worksheet every time. Create counting and match-up activities, touch worksheets, bingo, board games, and lots, lots more!
» Number Worksheets » Money Workheets
» Shape Worksheets » Time Worksheets
» Color Worksheets » Addition & Subtraction

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Arithmetic Worksheets

Arithmetic Worksheets - Elementary School

Arithmetic Worksheets Make math worksheets for your kids with these addition, subtraction, multiplication and division wizards. Each time you create a worksheet, you'll get different problems for your children to solve! You can choose the difficulty level of each sheet, as well as the number of problems you want on the worksheet. For younger children, try the horizontal math worksheet wizard! Make arithmetic worksheets!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Make 1000s of FREE Math Worksheets!

No registration needed! Just print and go!

Math Worksheet Wizard The Math Worksheet Wizard is a FREE resource for teachers and homeschooling moms and dads. You can make an unlimited number of printable math worksheets for children, for the classroom or for homework, simply by clicking a button. What makes this site unique is that every time you create a worksheet, you get different, randomly generated problems.

New worksheet wizards are being added all the time, and so far, there are enough to cover the curriculum for kindergarten through most of third grade.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome Magicians!

Welcome Magicians!

As you may already know, I am a full-time kid show magician in New York City. I write a monthly column about performing magic for children in Magic magazine, and I have lectured around the world.

The products for sale in my magic shop were invented by me and perfected during thousands of performances. I use these props myself in every show. I know they will kill in your show. Each trick and prop comes with my complete routine and patter.

Take a look through the products and maybe you will find something you can add to YOUR show!

David Kaye Bio

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tips Daftar Blog Di Search Engine

Cara Mendaftar blog pada search engine

Banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan agar blog kita bisa dikenal dan di kunjungi, antara lain adalah dengan rajinnya kita blogwalking atau berkunjung ke blog milik orang lain, mendaftarkan ke berbagai agregator, dan yang paling efektif adalah melalui search engine atau mesin pencari.

Bagi blogger pemula mungkin berangggapan bahwa apabila kita membuat website atau blog akan secara otomatis terindeks atau berada pada list berbagai search engine, dan kenyataannya tidaklah demikian. Seperti halnya sebuah sekolah, agar nama kita terdaftar pada buku daftar siswa, tentunya kita harus melakukan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu ke sekolah tersebut. Sama halnya dengan mesin pencari, agar blog kita terindeks pada mesin pencari, maka kita harus terlebih dahulu mendaftarkan blog milik kita pada situs pemilik mesin pencari.

Mesin pencari tentu jumlahnya sangat banyak sekali, dan pada saat ini yang paling terkenal di dunia adalah Google, Yahoo, serta Msn. Apabila blog kita ingin terindeks pada mesin pencari mereka, maka kewajiban kita adalah mendaftarkan URL blog kita pada mesin pencari mereka. Bila ada yang belum tahu ke manakah harus mendaftarkan blognya, maka silahkan simak tulisan berikut :
  • Daftar Google
Untuk mendaftar ke google, silahkan anda kunjungi http://www.google.com/addurl/, nah apabila sudah berada pada halaman pendaftaran ada beberapa langkah yang harus di lakukan, yaitu mengisi form yang di sediakan :

  • URL –> Isi dengan URL blog anda.
  • Comments –> Isi dengan keyword atau kata kunci yang berhubungan dengan blog anda.
  • Isi kotak kosong dengan huruf Verifikasi yang tersedia
  • Klik tombol Add URL
  • Selesai. Setelah anda melakukan pendaftaran ke Google, maka tidak serta merta blog anda terindeks pada mesin pencarinya, akan tetapi memerlukan 3 sampai 4 minggu baru blog anda bisa terindeks. Jika sudah 3 sampai 4 minggu, maka cobalah ketik alamat blog anda pada mesin pencari google, apakah sudah terindeks atau belum? jika belum, coba tunggu beberapa minggu lagi, dan tuliskan kembali alamat blog anda, Jika ternyata masih belum juga, coba deh daftarin lagi blognya ke google seperti langkah di atas.

  • Daftar Yahoo!
  • Untuk mendaftar ke yahoo! Silahkan anda kunjungi https://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit. Akan tetapi untuk mendaftar ke yahoo, anda harus terlebih dahulu mempunyai account yahoo, karena di perlukan log in terlebih dahulu ke account yahoo. Bagi yang belum punya account yahoo (email di yahoo) silahkan bikin dulu, bagi yang sudah punya, anda tinggal login dengan username serta password anda. Apabila sudah login, nanti sudah tersedia kolom untuk di isi, silahkan isi kolom tersebut dengan URL anda, kemudian klik tombol Add URL, selesai. Jika ingin memasukan alamat feed sekalian, anda bisa memasukannya. Ingat, alamat feed di blogger hanya tinggal menambahkan atom.xml atau rss.xml di belakang uRL blog anda, contoh :
    http://anekatipsmenarik.blogspot.com/atom.xml Atau

  • Daftar ke Msn
  • Untuk daftar ke Msn, silahkan anda kunjungi http://search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx?FORM=WSDD2 silahkan anda isi huruf verifikasi dan URL anda pada kotak yang tersedia, kemudian klik tombol Submit URL, selesai.
    Apabila anda mempunyai keinginan lebih, yaitu URL blog anda terindeks pada puluhan mesin pencari, anda bisa menggunakan bantuan situs submitter. Coba klik saja banner dibawah ini :

    Submit Your Site To The Web's Top 50 Search Engines for Free!

    Tugas anda hanya mengisi alamat URL blog anda, serta menuliskan alamat email saja, kemudian klik tombol Submit Your Site.

    Jika ingin lebih cepat terkenal coba lakukan ping ke bebagai agregator, silahkan klik banner di bawah :
  • pingoat_9.gif

    Anda tinggal mengisi form yang di sediakan.

  • Selamat Mencoba...

    Monday, September 7, 2009

    Why Physical Fitness Is Important for Teenagers

    So what do you commonly hear baby boomer compare and take notice of the younger generation of the present age? That kids are glued on the gadgets they actually have no knowledge of, while they used to be running around the village playing hide and seek when they were in those age.

    Reality check: Things have changed, and so have those villages now turned into massive structures, most commonly known as malls and offices. The meat of it, as well, is that technology has evolved, and so have products you’d see in the market.

    Uh-oh, I can easily hear baby boomer disgruntle, along with doctors, nutritionists and health experts. They basically unanimously agree with the logic: Food + Less exercise = Slower metabolism = Obesity. And what’s the worse thing in that equation? A domino effect of teenagers battling a lot of harsh elements as teasing and bullying, as well as television projections of skinny models regarded as beautiful, which logically result to other problems as depression, anorexia, bulimia, and as early as getting those “adult” ailments, diabetes, arthritis and heart problem conditions. So how to deal with this battle of the older said this, the younger feels that? Involvement in physical fitness activities. You might find the baby boomer smirking at this, but read through and you will be smirking back.

    There are about countless things a home or a school can incorporate to get those kids out of those couches and up on their feet. There is cycling, dancing, jogging, sports involvement, gym, ice skating, skating, trampoline exercises and aerobic classes - among, again, countless others. So what’s the point? It’s to get the kids physically fit - meaning, getting the optimal functioning of the person’s body, as those of the heart, lungs and muscles. Along with it that domino effect of kids feeling a lot greater about themselves, getting that self-esteem, confidence, and energy to have more fun. In a phrase, it spells positivity about life.

    But here’s the deal. So you find it hard to get involved in physical training, and rather stay at home than getting all greased up outside the house. So how about an alternative proposition: Exercise at home. You can make it rather fun through the use of those gadgets and technology baby boomers are frowning upon on. Get them to smile now when you fully utilize their functions. There’s WII for one, as well as those virtual reality computer programmed equipment. But, there’s a but to it. You have to choose a routine that you are comfortable of doing everyday - without a miss, as much as possible. Would you rather go for those videos of tae bo or hip hop abs? Then go sweat it out!

    In this time and age, you would most definitely commonly hear baby boomer compare and take notice of how things are different with their time and the present generation. But just hear them out, as they mean only good things, only their delivery might need a little exercise, as well. They mean good, and they only want to get their grand kids more healthy, and ultimately very much happy, as well.

    Saturday, September 5, 2009

    Why study at Brunel University?

    Brunel University is a modern, dynamic institution, which prides itself on the quality of its academic programmes and the applied nature of its research activity. Situated in West London, the university is dedicated to providing a world class education for its 14,000 students, which includes an international student population of more than 2,500, who come from over 114 different countries. We pride ourselves on our multicultural environment and we truly believe that the university community gains countless benefits from the contribution made by our international students.

    According to the Sunday Times University Guide, Brunel graduates command some of the highest starting salaries in the UK. In 2007, many students from every area of the University graduated directly into £30,000+ jobs with some prestigious companies, for example: Accenture, Atlantic Records, Goldman Sachs, the Swiss Government, Lloyds TSB, Merrill Lynch to name but a few.

    What's life like at Brunel?

    Brunel boasts the kind of welcoming atmosphere that many other universities lack, and is distinctive in that everything you need - teaching space, social and sports facilities, accommodation - is all on one compact, safe campus. Our location in West London means you also have the benefit of being within easy reach of the Capital, but without the noise, expense or hectic pace of life.

    In addition, the University's recent £250 million investment in campus facilities ensures you will have access to an excellent array of academic and teaching facilities, world-class sports facilities and some of the best value accommodation in the London area.

    The School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics

    The School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics is a stimulating environment in which to study and it is internationally recognised for the high quality of its teaching and research. Within the School, staff actively contribute to cutting-edge research that directly informs undergraduate and postgraduate courses. In this way we ensure that our graduates are ideally prepared to meet the challenges of modern society. We achieve this by having excellent staff who are committed to delivering teaching and research of the highest quality.

    At both undergraduate and postgraduate level we offer a range of programmes reflecting the modern needs of the disciplines. We are sure that prospective students will find courses to meet their requirements. We also offer a very strong PhD programme with over 150 PhD students.

    The School comprises two departments:

    - The Department of Information Systems and Computing (DISC)

    - The Department of Mathematical Sciences

    The Department of Information Systems and Computing (DISC)

    This department is a broadly-based Information Systems and Computing Department, focusing on real-world problems in collaboration with organisations and practitioners. It is one of the top departments of its kind in the world.

    Why Study Information Systems at Brunel?

    • Students benefit from excellent employment prospects. Recent graduates have gone to work for British Airways, British Telecom, Compaq, IBM, ICL and Logica, amongst many others.
    • Information Systems and Computing at Brunel is one of the largest centres for research in its field in Europe and gained a top rating of 5 in the last Research Assessment Exercise (RAE).
    • Many of our academic staff have a background in the computer industry, and are all involved in our application-oriented research, which includes information systems, software engineering, intelligent data analysis, human-computer interaction, and simulation modelling.
    • All our courses provide full exemption from the British Computer Society's professional examinations.

    Courses available within the Department of Information Systems


    • Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology)
    • Digital Media Management*
    • Enterprise and Distributed Systems Development
    • Information Systems Management

    *subject to approval

    The Department of Mathematical Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences currently has 30 full-time members of academic staff, several part-time staff and 50 PhD students. In the last Research Assessment Exercise the Department scored a '5' in Applied Mathematics and a '4' in Statistics and Operational Research.

    The Department's major areas of research are:

    • Applied mathematics
    • Graph theory and applications
    • Mathematical physics
    • Numerical analysis and computational modelling
    • Operational research: computational optimisation and modelling
    • Stochastic optimisation and risk modelling

    Courses available within the Department of Mathematical Sciences


    • Computational Mathematics with Modelling
    • Modelling and Management of Risk

    For more information on courses, please contact:

    If you would like to find out more about opportunities at Brunel University,

    Mrs Jaspal Bhamra
    Student Recruitment Co-ordinator
    School of IS,Computing and Mathematics
    Direct Line 01895 265939
    Fax 01895 269728

    Friday, September 4, 2009

    Membuat Iklan Terselip diantara artikel,

    Untuk Menyisipkan Iklan Diantara Postingan yang tinggal Lihat Blog anda yang sudah dipasangi adsense kemudian di bloh dan dicopy lalu tinggal dipaste di postingan dan di edit beri tambahan artikel
    Ads Powered by:KumpulBlogger.com

    Masukkan Code ini K1-FA3C5D-1
    untuk berbelanja di KutuKutuBuku.com

    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Computing & Information Technology Courses

    A good computer science degree is still in very high demand. Information Technology has changed the way we do business, learn, communicate and even entertain ourselves. Your computer course helps you stay one step ahead in this fast-changing sector.

    Computer science and IT colleges teach you how to design, develop, implement and manage computer systems and software. Studying computer science at university can lead to a well-paid career anywhere in the world, as a network engineer for large systems, a software developer, security specialist or even forensics analysis.

    An IT degree might launch your exciting career!

    StudyLink offers you choice from over 3500 computer and information technology programs and courses worldwide:

    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Which Computer or IT course is right for you?

    IT now affects almost everyone around the world. Without it, you wouldn't be reading this website! An IT college will give you practical skills in designing software, websites or computer systems that meet an organisation's needs for data, research or communication.

    Computer science degrees focus on problem solving across all areas of computing. Computer courses will give you a good understanding of how computers and technology work, and the latest knowledge and research in computers and IT.

    Many IT degrees combine technical computer course skills with business understanding, as employers today often seek commercially-aware computer science graduates.

    We have selected over 3500 Computer and IT courses at different levels of cost and reputation for you to apply to online.
    • Subjects required - Maths and a science, but requirements vary by institution - see course profile pages for further details
    • Tuition fees - range on average from US$8500 to US$23000+ per year depending on the subject, level and the institution
    • English level - from IELTS 6 or TOEFL 550 (paper) 213 (computer) - depending on the subject, level and institution*
    *Students with a lower score may still be accepted if they complete an English language course or a foundation year before going on to their chosen degree.

    StudyLink EATC qualified counsellors are happy to give you free study advice to help you find the right course for you. Ask a counsellor for help today.

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    Which Computer or IT course is right for you?

    IT now affects almost everyone around the world. Without it, you wouldn't be reading this website! An IT college will give you practical skills in designing software, websites or computer systems that meet an organisation's needs for data, research or communication.

    Types of Computer and IT courses
    You can study computer science and information technology courses at diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate level, including taught, research and PhD. We have listed the most popular areas of specialisation below, so you can explore them further.

    You can also study some computer degrees through distance learning, so you can balance your study with work and family. And you can combine your IT study with business skills or another discipline at university, for a joint degree.

    Tuition fees at computer science university range from US$10,000 to US$23,000 per year.

    Entry requirements vary, but all international applicants from non-English speaking countries will need to prove a certain level of English language ability.Depending on your computer college, you will need an IELTS score of 6, or a TOEFL score of 550 (paper) or 213 (computer). If you have a lower score, you may still be accepted if you complete an English language course or foundation year first.

    StudyLink EATC qualified counsellors are happy to give you free study advice to help you find the right course for you. Ask a counsellor for help today.

    Monday, August 24, 2009

    Guru Terganteng

    Pa Silmi Adha, S.Pd menjadi guru terganteng se asia tenggara.... wiuh bener ga nih???

    nah ini dia foto wajah ganteng pa silmi adha yang diceritakan itu, betulkah seganteng itukah wajah pa silmi yang merupakan guru mata pelajaran TIK dan sekarang ini malah mulai mengajar pelajaran matematika,
    ya memang benar, pa silmi adha sekarang mengajar selain pelajaran TIK juga mengajar Matematika loh.... karena sesuai dengan ijasah dan jurusan yang telah di enyamnya selama mengikuti kuliah di perguruan tinggi

    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    Guru Favorit

    pa silmi adha yang bukan hanya ganteng tetapi juga telah termasuk guru favorit versi harian radar tahun 2008, walau hanya berada diurutan ke 9, yah memang harus penuh perjuangan, untuk bisa menjadi guru favorit, selain harus terus tampil mengajar juga sikap dan prilaku harus tetap dijaga, selain itu pula perlu dukungan dari para siswa maupun pihak sekolah dan teman rekan guru lainnya, karena menjadi guru favorit diperlukan kerja tim yang kompak dan dukungan itulah diwujudkan dengan banyaknya kupon yang dikirimkan untuk sebagai bentuk dukungan kepada sang guru favorit

    hehehe maaf ini bukan foto pa silmi adha yang sekarang loh tapi waktu masih kuliah ....

    Sunday, August 2, 2009

    Crazy Agustus Discounts

    Let's celebrate in the final days of July!!!

    To top off the unforgettable vacation that we have greatly enjoyed for this summer, the WLO Team will be throwing some huge discounts on all of the items in the Item Mall! Don't miss out, rush and buy what you want!

    Event Duration:
    03:00am~03:30am on July 31st EDT(GMT-4)
    09:30am~10:00am on July 31st EDT(GMT-4)
    07:00pm~07:30pm on July 31st EDT(GMT-4)

    Event Content:
    All items will be sold for a big discount in Item Mall during our event duration!

    The WLO Team, IGG

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    Discover the world of KingsAge!

    It is the age of knights and castles. This is the era in which swords cross and kings are crowned. Under your leadership, new settlements will be born and will become thriving and prospering villages. Shrewdly watch over your kingdom in the good times as well as the bad and guide it towards ultimate glory and prosperity! Discover the world of KingsAge!

    Friday, July 31, 2009

    program asia kita

    Selamat Datang di Program Investasi AsiaKita !

    Program ini ditujukan bagi siapa saja yang saat ini membutuhkan bantuan dana untuk keperluan yang positif seperti :

    • Investasi membuka/mengembangkan usaha
    • Biaya sekolah atau kuliah (Beasiswa), dalam dan luar negeri
    • Kegiatan sosial, termasuk LSM
    • dan sebagainya.

    Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa perlu mengembalikan, dan tanpa syarat apapun !!!.

    Baca Selengkapnya...

    Bagi anda yang tidak/belum memiliki Rekening Bank BCA, tetapi memiliki Rekening Bank Mandiri, klik disini.

    Wednesday, July 29, 2009

    pos kota

    Deskripsi PDF Print E-mail



    Layanan SMS Reg Poskota ke 9818 ini berisi tentang materi iklan mobil dan motor dari poskota online. Layanan ini memudahkan bagi pelanggan untuk melakukan pencarian jenis kendaraan, mengetahui kisaran harga dari tipe kendaraan tertentu serta memberikan informasi secara berkala kendaraan tertentu yg sesuai dengan budget yang dimiliki.

    Berbeda dengan layanan sms lain yang sejenis, layanan ini memberikan kebebasan bagi pelanggan untuk melakukan pencarian sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan. Sehingga pengiriman jawaban SMS benar-benar sesuai dengan kontrol dari pelanggan.

    Monday, July 27, 2009

    Tatung Info Comm brindará el primer servicio de WiMAX de Taiwán

    Como empresas innovadoras clave de los dispositivos WiMAX, la Alianza de las Compañías Taiwanesas dirigen su atención hacia un nuevo mercado potencial con un valor de billones de dólares.

    Para conocimiento público inmediato. Taipei, Taiwán, Mayo 14, 2009 – Tatung InfoComm, un proveedor de servicios de comunicación inalámbrica perteneciente a Tatung Corp., ha lanzado el primer servicio de WiMAX de Taiwán, que transfiere datos de manera inalámbrica a velocidades más del doble de rápidas que otras tecnologías.

    WiMAX (por sus siglas en ingles Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Acces, que significan Interoperabilidad Mundial para Acceso por Microondas) es un estándar de telecomunicaciones de datos para computadoras portátiles, teléfonos celulares y otros dispositivos portables. Esta tecnología permite tener velocidad de transmisión de datos de banda ancha sin la necesidad de usar cables para ello.

    Como uno de los productores líderes de tecnología a nivel mundial, Taiwán ha sido un innovador clave de los dispositivos WiMAX. El Gobierno de Taiwán ha sido un fuerte apoyo para la industria WiMAX y para muchas compañías locales de tecnología. Además con el soporte del gobierno taiwanés, se ha formado una alianza de proveedores que dirigen su atención hacia la explotación de este nuevo mercado, que potencialmente vale miles de millones de dólares. Los productores incluyen a Acer Inc., Accton Technology Corp., Mitac Inc., Tatung Co. and Tecom Co.

    El Gobierno de Taiwán ha seleccionado WiMAX para su programa nacional M-Taiwan, al cual se le ha invertido más de mil millones de dólares para el desarrollo de una infraestructura de red. Para el año 2012, Taiwán invertirá cerca de $3 mil millones de dólares en la industria WiMAX, de acuerdo al Departamento de Desarrollo Industrial.

    Tatung InfoComm lanzó el servicio en las islas Penghu, en el Estrecho de Taiwán. La empresa está ofreciendo una tarifa preferencial de cargo de NT$1, 000 (US$29 dólares) por tres meses de servicio en las islas. La empresa espera ofrecer sus servicios a consumidores en Kaohsiung, la segunda ciudad más grande de Taiwán.

    En la etapa inicial de operación, Tatung InfoComm está abasteciéndose de equipo de las empresas Quanta Microsystems Inc. (perteneciente a Quanta Group) y Accton Wireless Broadband Corporation (perteneciente a Accton Technology Corp.). Por su parte, Asustek Computer Inc. y Elitegroup Computer Systems Inc. se convertirán en sus proveedores tan pronto como Tatung InfoComm lance el servicio en Kaohsiung y el sur de Taiwán en Julio.

    El servicio de WiMAX de Tatung InfoComm’s transmite datos a una velocidad de hasta 10 megabits por segundo (Mbps), más rápido que la existente tecnología 3.5G en Taiwán y a un menor costo. La tecnología 3.5G, también conocida como acceso de alta velocidad de enlaces descendentes de paquetes (HSDPA), permite velocidades de enlaces descendentes de hasta 14.4 Mbps, mientras que WiMAX puede proveer ancho de banda de hasta 70 Mbps y pronto alcanzará velocidades de hasta 300 Mbps.

    Tatung planea que se inscriban 60, 000 suscriptores a su servicio para el final de este año y un millón de suscriptores en 5 años.

    Fundada en 2007 después de ganar una licencia de operación WiMAX, Tatung InfoComm espera convertirse en un proveedor líder de la convergencia digital y de servicios de banda ancha móvil, ofreciendo un vasto rango de telecomunicaciones móviles, internet móvil, info-ocio móvil y servicios de transmisión móvil. La empresa pretende mostrar y proveer la conveniencia de la banda ancha y de la libertad de movilidad a los consumidores, empresas, gobierno y usuarios de casa.

    Tatung InfoComm tiene acceso a más de 300 cadenas de tiendas al por menor a lo largo de Taiwán y se basa en la matriz Tatung para el diseño y producción de productos digitales, así como en la integración de sistemas para los clientes existentes.

    Mediante el impulso de dos años de experiencia en el despliegue de una red WiMAX para el proyecto M-Taiwan, Tatung InfoComm está enfocándose en ofrecer aplicaciones y servicios innovadores, construyendo una red avanzada y de buena calidad.

    El nombre “WiMAX” fue creado por el foro WiMAX, el cual fue formado en Junio de 2001 para promover la conformidad e interoperabilidad del estándar.

    Acer Inc. www.acer.com/public/home.jsp

    Accton Technology Corp. www.accton.com

    Mitac Inc. www.mitac.com.tw/english/index.htm

    Tatung Co. www.tatung.com/en/index.asp

    Tatung InfoComm www.tatung.net.tw

    Tecom Co. www.tecomproduct.com

    Para mayor información, por favor visite www.taiwantrade.org.tw o www.BroadbandTaiwan.com.tw

    Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)

    El Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) fue fundado en 1970 para promover el comercio exterior de Taiwán y la competitividad en los mercados mundiales. En los últimos 38 años, TAITRA ha jugado un papel clave en el desarrollo de la economía de Taiwán. TAITRA es conjuntamente patrocinado por asociaciones gubernamentales y comerciales. Además es considerada la puerta de negocios a Taiwán para la comunidad internacional de negocios.

    Sunday, July 26, 2009

    Taiwan launches its first WiMax network

    The first commercial WiMax broadband wireless network in Taiwan opened for business on Monday.

    Tatung InfoComm formally launched WiMax services on Penghu, Taiwan's largest outlying island, which is famous for windsurfing and will soon be home to several casinos under a new gambling initiative.

    The company is offering several specials to entice Penghu's 93,000 citizens to sign up for the new high speed wireless Internet access service.

    Anyone who signs up for unlimited monthly WiMax service that includes both a WiMax card for their laptop PC as well as a WiMax modem for their home between now and June 30 will pay NT$1,680 (US$50) per month.

    People who just want a WiMax data card for their laptop can sign up for NT$699 per month unlimited service, and people who want WiMax at home can opt for an NT$649 per month plan.
    The minimum price for monthly service will be NT$1000 per month after the special introductory rates expire.

    Taiwan has been on the forefront of investing in and promoting WiMax technology for use in Taiwan and to boost production of WiMax gear among the island's manufacturers.

    The government handed out WiMax network licenses to several companies in Taiwan, some of which allow them to build a WiMax network in Northern Taiwan and others for the South.

    WiMax is part of the government's M-Taiwan (Mobile Taiwan) program aimed at ensuring people all over the island, including remote mountain villages and offshore islands, will be able to access the Internet wirelessly. The high speed wireless technology has been promoted globally as a speedier replacement for the Wi-Fi technology found in coffee shops and elsewhere.

    As part of M-Taiwan, the government has offered generous research grants and co-investment to companies on the island to help jump start WiMax services. The hope is that by being an early adopter and producer of WiMax products, Taiwanese manufacturers will benefit from the global deployment of WiMax.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2009

    foto studio MOS

    Tuesday, July 14, 2009

    dapet duit dari facebook FB

    nah bagi kalian yang kebetulan punya hobi facebook dan ingin menambah banyak teman sekaligus banyak uang ya disini nih carannya....

    1. perbanyak pertemanan, kemudian isi tampilan komentar dengan iklan yang ingin kamu jual, so pasti byk yang baca tuh
    2. selain perbanyak teman ikuti juga kuis atau group atau juga millis jadi iklan yang kita kirim bisa lebih banyak dibaca orang lain tapi hati hati dianggap spam ya jd ya jaga penyampian kalimatnya
    3. kalo mau juga bikin blog dan simpan iklan di blog kamu nah cara bikin blog klik disini
    4. nah kalo blog kamu udah banyak yang kunjungin nah bisa tuh didaftarkan ke adsense supaya blog kamu ada tampilan iklan dari orang lain, nah salah satu adsense yaitu google adsense untuk daftar klik disini  

    nah sekian dulu ya moga bermanfaat...

    Monday, July 13, 2009

    foto MOS

    Sunday, July 12, 2009

    foto MOS

    Saturday, July 11, 2009

    foto-foto MOS